Monday, June 27, 2016

My painting setup

I like seeing how other people set up their painting areas to see if they do something I can carry over to improve my own. With that in mind I figured I would share mine.

On my desk:
Knitfink's painting setup
(not numbered: my paint splattered cutting mat)
1) A paint pot holder made using hirst arts blocks. I've knocked over my paint pots so many times (see cutting mat), and this prevents that from happening.
2) A dropper bottle of Liquitex Flow-Aid solution
3)  I made these holders (hirst arts blocks again) to prevent my wash cups from moving around on me. The white cup is a cleaned greek yogurt container, and the lid is to prevent my cat from drinking out of them. The single holder is for my metallic wash cup.
4) Double wash cup holder with one cup for clean and one for dirty water. Also a space for frequently used tools in the middle.
5) My most used tools - a glass dropper, a paint mixing tool I bought on amazon, small pair of scissors to cut rampant hairs off my brushes, and a pair of tweezers
6) My wet pallet
7) Mixing pallet with wells covered in aluminum foil for easy clean up

My basket of free napkins. Every time you eat out grab a few.
Knitfink's painting setup

My paintbrush holder made from hirst arts blocks.
Knitfink's painting setupKnitfink's painting setup

I store my paints in a rolling scrapbook tower.
Knitfink's painting setup

The first tray is metallic paints. The second is full of my warm color paints, third is cool colors. The fourth blue tray is all my washes, and then below that are my pigments and duplicate paint pots.
Knitfink's painting setupKnitfink's painting setup

The rest of the trays in the chart are full of miniatures that I'm working on. It makes it easy to separate projects by pull out one to work on.
Knitfink's painting setup

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